Monday 12 April 2010

England vs Zimbabwe - Top 10!!

As it is a time to reflect on our time in England I thought it would be good to put on paper the things we will miss when we leave and the things we have appreciated!!

Here is my top 10!!!! (Laura that is!)

1. Spring time!!! This seems quite appropriate now - but Spring has to be my favourite time of the year here! It is such a symbol of new life. This year spring has come late due to such a long tough winter but it has meant that it has wowed us even more than normal! Spring time in England is soooooo beautiful, so life giving and so refreshing to ones soul! The days are drawing out, the need for a winter coat begins to disappear, the heating is switched off, flowers are everywhere, buds on the trees, being able to hang washing on the line, picnics etc!! Who can't but marvel at creation at this time.

2. Picnics and sunshine - there is a glorious thing about picnics and sunshine in England - the sun is never too hot to sit out in and enjoy and picnics are just such a highlight of Spring and Summer!! Some of our favorite memories are of picnics - greenwich park before children, various play grounds since having children, bodium castle, leeds castle and our garden!

3. The NHS - there are often so many differing opinions about the NHS but we think it is an incredible service - to offer UK residents free health care - wow! Yes it has it's limitations and mistakes happen but it is a great service with huge pressure put on it. We've had both good and bad experiences but over all am blow away by it - I think the stark contrast of growing up with nothing in Africa has made us appreciate it - warts and all!! A lot of the doctors, nurses and midwives that we have dealt with have been an inspiration and support at some difficult times and some joyful times - thank you!

4. Polite drivers - some people might disagree with me but generally English drivers are very polite!! Took us by surprise how little you hear people hoot/blow their horn at each other!! I had to adjust to that!!!! Flashing someone onto the road infront of you - how polite is that!!!

5. Lady Grey Tea!! - I've never been a huge fan of tea but this winter moving into a house with very little heating and having a very cold winter I have started to love tea - but it's Lady Grey that has won me over!!!!

6. Walking - we walk everywhere in England!! Such a culture of it - so good for us!!!

7. Public Transport - to have transport that is so readly available - a little pricey but a system that works! Wow!!!

8. Airing cupboards - what a great invention!!! Don't know how I'm going to live without one!!!

9. Chocolate - the best in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10. Friends! - it took us a while to settle into life in the UK - it felt a very lonely place for the first year but over time we have made some incredible friends and learnt what true community is. We shall be very sad to be saying good bye but it will be a 'till next time'!!

And here are the Top 10 things we are looking forward to - Life in Zimbabwe!!!

1. To see the stars at night - a dome over our heads

2. To smell rain!!!! A true african drenching of rain, with thunder and lightening.

3. Mind blowing sunrises and sunsets

4. Winter days - blue skies, crisp mornings with the sun coming up

5. Being bare foot 90% of the time!

6. Our children to be able to play outside - all the time!

7. A slower pace of life

8. Living closer to family

9. To be able to serve our fellow Zimbabweans again!!

10. To know we are home!

Progress to date: packers are booked, notice has been given in on our flat and we are finalising all the bits we need to get for the school before the packers come!! Fundraising going well too!!