Saturday 11 June 2011

May Update!!

Well we’ve had a brilliant start to the term. Been very full on for Mark and I but we seem to be coping!! The students came back to a house that looked more like a home. My folks had fished out a few pictures that we were able to hang in the house and it is amazing what a difference those few things made. We were able to put in place systems to help this term run better and are so enjoying having our House Mum full time with us now!!! We no longer need to do the weekly shop, duties in the mornings etc.

All the students were thrilled to be back and we got text messages over the holiday period saying that they couldn’t wait to be back! I think the holidays for some of them were tough as a few of them got back to some very tricky extended family set ups.

We have put together a co-curricular programme this term which is keeping them very busy in the mornings. Monday and Tuesday morning we have been given the use of Barclays Bank Sports Club and the students are learning to play football, volleyball, basketball and tennis. We love seeing them spend their energy this way and we have a fantastic coach!

We had a lovely ladies Bible Study host a tea at the boarding house for the students and they donated money too (which bought the jerseys for the students winter uniforms and paid for a weeks worth of food). They were so lovely and such a blessing. One of the ladies is a computer programmer and offered her services to teach the students how to use the computers. We were so thrilled with this provision as had just got the laptops up and running, free internet installed in the house etc but the students have never been exposed to anything like this before! So Jill teaches them voluntarily on a Thursday morning and has split them into groups of varying ability. She will be taking them until the end of next year and she is brilliant with them. She also says she loves teaching the 15 students as they are so eager to learn!! They will learn word processing, various different packages pertaining to future career ambitions, basic web design etc and Denise the House Mum has joined in too!

I have arranged a few career lectures for this term on various different careers to expose the students to what career options are out there. They struggle to think out the box as for many of them it just doesn’t seem like a reachable option. So it is showing them that they can achieve and follow their dreams. We have chosen a few local Zimbabweans that have successful careers but who started from nothing – hopefully to inspire and encourage them too!

Denise and I are running a Bible Study on a Thursday night for those who want to attend (all seem to come each week which is lovely) and we are studying The Purpose Driven Life. I am loving these times with the students, as I am getting to know the inner workings of who they are and being able to share life with them. It is an incredible foundational study to do with them and I feel so privileged to have this opportunity. They are so open and real and I feel excited at how God is working in their precious hearts!!!! Seeing real healing and restoration in their hearts and minds.

We took the students hiking up a huge rock that protrudes out of the ground (like a mountain but a huge granite rock). They had never done anything like this before and it was such fun as our kids joined us, as well as Mark’s brother and partner and their little boy Jordan. It was such a beautiful evening and we enjoyed snacks and drinks on top – a reward for our climb! The students had to go in uniform as they wanted to charge a ridiculous amount for them otherwise but they actually were thrilled to wear it and show it off to people!!!

We have also started baking lessons with the students. Once a month a friend Sian has the students round to her house and teaches them how to bake something – then we have tea and enjoy the delights of what they have produced at the end of the evening!! They have loved this – again something so new to them all!!! Sian will also be hosting games evenings this term!!!

A family friend called Liz teaches 3 of the students recorder and music on a Friday morning. They are loving this and the experience of doing something they have never been exposed to. We feel so blessed to have people who so want to step in and help serve these guys.

Academic stuff!!! Mark is doing a fantastic job of teaching these guys and they are all doing really well. His heart and soul goes into all he does for the students. Mark has found it quite a lonely teaching experience as he misses the comaraderie of working with other teachers, bouncing ideas off each other, working as a team etc. We have wonderful Biology and Chemistry teachers but as it is not a formal school setting, they only come and go for their lessons.

Mark has continued to try and raise money here. Mark and my dad have done a few presentations to various Rotary Clubs around Harare and we keep everything crossed that something will come of these meetings. We also had a company sponsor two students this month – still waiting for the money but the promise is there!!! We have amazing friends in England who continue to raise money for us – Shaun has organised a 10k run that 40 work colleagues are taking part in and Stuart has arranged ‘Peter’s Commute’ which the 6th Form at his School are taking part in You go guys!!! We feel humbled by peoples support of us. Thank you so much!

Family News! We are all doing well!! Though poor little Zoe lost most of her front tooth a few weeks ago!! Sadly needs a root canel but holding off as we wait for the tooth to firm up. Sadly she got an abscess this last week but thankfully the root canel is booked for Wednesday!!! She was very brave as having a root exposed was excruciating but the body is an amazing thing and it is only sore now with very cold food! The abscess was excruciating too but antibios work wonders!!

Matt is back at school two mornings a week and just loving it! They did a special Postman Pat day last week and he was so thrilled to take all his Postman Pat stuff to school to show and share with all the other kids! He has become so protective and loving towards Zoe - it is soooo lovely to watch!!

We often go for family bike rides – I push Zoe on her bike and Matt rides along on his little bike. It is so lovely and I go try and go out on the afternoons we are home!!! We live in a quiet area, so it is safe to ride on the road without constant traffic! I think the kids love the freedom of it!!

My business Zimbaby has been crazy busy but that is because I have my big launch on 26th June so busy building stock etc. I have had a few stresses with lack of electricity and not being able to sew but sure we will make it for the 26th fine! Though can see me working crazy hours this next 2 weeks! I wish I wasn’t a perfectionist! I’ve even begun to make sales without much advertising – made 10 in the last two weeks!!!

We are loving our new home and it really does feels like home. Don’t feel like we have a huge amount of time to enjoy it but it has been good. They have cut 15 huge trees down in our garden so it currently looks like a wood has been felled! Lots of fire wood and lots of mess to tidy up!!!!! The kids have built numerous T-Pees!!! We have struggled with water, as we do not get government water – just doesn’t come through our pipes – bad area and we have been relying on the well in the garden which is virtually dry due to the rainy season having gone for a few months. So been quite tough at times but our next door neighbour has been so kind and sends over a hosepipe to fill containers etc as they have a borehole.

We are thrilled to let people know that my youngest brother Richard and his wife Anni are expecting their first baby in December! We are so excited for them!!! Woo hoo!!

We have two ex students come to visit in July, which will be amazing and then very close friends the Campbell’s arrive at the end of July – we can’t wait!!! I think that is all our news!

Some photos of family life!
Snuggles in the spare bed together!

First Dress Up Party - Fairies and Superhero's! A few hours before Zoe lost half her front tooth!

The serious business of building T-Pees in the garden!!!

We went to a little game park for Mother's Day with my folks!

Drinking tea on the step with the kids! Best bit dunking our biscuits!!

Snuggled up warm watching TV

Sunset Picnic on the School fields

Best Friends!


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  2. love you guys!!! KEEP GOING!! YOU'RE DOINg and amzing job!!! will hopefully chat to you - via skype maybe??? when im back home! LOVE YOU!!! xxx (Grace) x

  3. Nathan Whitaker21 June 2011 at 17:34

    It is so exciting and heart warming to see those pictures of the students and read about how much is being achieved out there! Lots of love from us both! Nathan
